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Career support and optional courses

The research education in social sciences at UiO is an education of high international quality, which qualifies candidates for a further academic career or for other professions with high demands on competence and skills.

smilende kvinne i drakt foran foretngingsbygg
Photo: UiO

Planning your career starts when you start your PhD education. We offer career support through workshops, tutorials, meeting places and online resources as an optional part of the PhD program.The courses are available for PhD candidates and postdocs at UiO.

Career support and optional cources

All courses are based on voluteer participation. Registration is required. Courses will be announced in the PhD-newsletter.


Vitae Researcher Development Framework   Time spent thinking about your values, strengths and areas for development is time well spent. Taking a strategic approach can give you choice and a competitive edge. You can map your professional development using the RDF.

Phd on track Our aim is to enable beginning researchers to easily access information on searching and reviewing scholarly literature, on academic writing, and on sharing and publishing reports and data. The project is a collaboration between five Norwegian university libraries.