Norwegian version of this page

Programme structure

The educational component of the programme option in Technology, Innovation and Culture amounts to 30 credits

  • Course in the Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences SV9101 and Research Ethics SV9102 - 6 credits
  • TIK9101 - PhD seminars - 5 credits
  • Specialization course in STS or Innovation- 5 credits
  • Elective courses/conferences - 14 credits

Recommended course of study

3rd year

Work on the thesis

2,5 years

TIK9101 - PhD seminars - 5 credits

Isegran seminars x 3

Midway assessment

Conclusion seminar

SV9101 Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences and

SV9102 Research Ethics

- 6 credits

Elective elements

- 14 credits


2nd year

1st year

Specialization course:

STS or Innovation

- 5 credits

The thesis

The thesis should consist of either a monograph (single cohesive research report) or a collection of smaller works (article-based thesis). If the thesis is article-based an introductory section must be included where the connection between the articles of the thesis is demonstrated.

Read more about the thesis, adjudication, and public defense

Course in the philosophy and methodology of the social sciences and research ethics SV9191 and SV9102

Scope: 6 credits
All PhD candidates must complete the Faculty of Social Science's common course in the philosophy and methodology of the social sciences and research ethics (SV9101 og SV9102). The courses are held in Norwegian during the spring semester and in English during the fall semester.

PhD seminars - TIK9101

Scope: 5 credits
To be approved, at least three PhD seminars, as well as the midway assessment seminar and conclusion seminar must all be attended. The midway assessment is held midway into the PhD programme, and the conclusion seminar is held three to four months before submission, in agreement with the supervisor.

Guidelines for the midway assessment at TIK

Specialization course in STS or Innovation

Scope: 5 credits
PhD candidates at the Department of Technology, Innovation and Culture are required to undertake a specialization course in either STS or Innovation. The course should preferably be taken at TIK, but courses taken at other domestic or foreign educational institutions can be incorporated in the educational component upon application. All external courses must be pre-approved.

Elective elements of the educational component

Scope: 14 credits
The PhD candidate - in consultation with the supervisor - is free to fulfill the remaining quota of at least 14 credits with relevant courses, including participation in domestic or international conferences.

Participation in externally held (outside the University of Oslo) courses must be pre-approved by the TIK programme administrator in order to grant credits.

We encourage PhD candidates to present their research at home or abroad, and participation and presenting at domestic or international conferences can be counted towards your PhD in the form of credits. Candidates may earn a maximum of 3 credits, where 2 can come from international conferences, and 1 from domestic conferences. Credits are awarded upon a total assessment

Application form for approval of external courses and Conferences (pdf) (Only in Norwegian)


Published June 18, 2015 2:11 PM - Last modified June 17, 2024 11:03 AM