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Discover your future

Discover you future is about exploring who you are, being aware of what you can do and what you want, and using this awareness to make good choices throughout your life.

Career puzzle

Career support 

When you embark on your degree, you have already made a choice that is part of your career. Career is not necessarily about your dream job or climbing the ladder as quickly as possible. It is about exploring who you are, what you can do and what you want, and using this ability to make good choices throughout your life. Through this program you can discover what your future could be. With the help of small steps, spread out over the entire course of study, you get access to some useful tools, find out what you will use your education for and become even more confident on the way there.

Engage and gain work expericence

Alongside your academic work, you will find many opportunities. You can get involved in various student associations or other activities, and you can get a part-time job or a summer job. In this process, you will learn about yourself and acquire skills that you will make use of on your way forward. You will try out new things, get to know yourself and what you enjoy, and maybe what you don't enjoy? You will find out what is important to you and what options you have for further education or work after you graduate.

Discover your opportunities

Not everything can be, or needs to be planned, during the course of your studies. But we know that by exploring the possibilities that exist, by getting to know yourself and your interests, you will open many doors in the long run. Preparing for life after graduation is a process that takes time and starts early. We have therefore created a program to make it easier for you to discover your opportunities along the way, make way for good choices later and see what you can do this semester.

Career courses

Discover Your Future consists of four courses, one for each semester of the master's degree. All courses are based on volunteer participation. You sign up at Studentweb. Read more about the career courses:


Please see overview of career courses for bachelorstudents on this page.

Learning outcome

Through these courses, you will gain insight into how you can start the process of looking ahead. You will be offered one course per semester, and the courses follow your course of study. During the program, you will notice what you can do this semester and see where the road continues.

  • You will learn more about how you can plan and set goals for yourself, and what you may not be able to plan for.
  • You will gain insight into what may be relevant experiences on the way forward and how you can use your time to explore your options for further education or work.
  • You will also get concrete tools along the way that you can use to find your direction.

The courses consist of a combination of five e-learning modules in Canvas, which you can complete as you see fit, as well as some physical workshops where you get the opportunity to work on the various topics.