Formal requirements for the master thesis in Human Geography

HGO4090 (60 credits)

The length of a 60-credit master’s thesis is maximum 40 000 words +/- 25% including everything (cover page, summary, table of contents, preface, reference list, annexes, figures, acronyms, etc.). Theses that exceed this limit will be rejected, and a new submission deadline will apply. If there is a need to deviate from the word limit, the student must, together with his/her supervisor, apply to the head of studies three weeks before the submission deadline. The application must be academically justified.

Once the thesis has been graded, an adjusting oral examination will be held on the thesis and its topic.


HGO4080 (30 credits)

The length of a 30-credit master’s thesis should is maximum 24,000 +/- 25% including everything (cover page, summary, table of contents, preface, reference list, annexes, figures, acronyms, etc.). Theses that deviate from the specified maximum word limit will be rejected. The next deadline for submission will then apply. If there is a need to deviate from the specified word limit, the student is required, in consultation with her supervisor, to apply to the head of studies three weeks before the submission deadline. The application must be academically reasoned.

Following the assessment of the thesis, there will be an oral examination of the thesis and its theme that adjusts and finalizes the grade.

A high academic level is required of all master’s theses in human geography, both those of 30 and 60 credits. Lesser scope refers to how comprehensive the academic work required for the individual research project is. Independent research of a minor scope involves:

  • More limited research questions and/or narrowly defined research topic.
  • More focused and selective review of relevant literature and analytical framework.
  • More reliance on secondary sources.
  • More limited fieldwork and/or primary data collection.


Published Mar. 13, 2024 1:10 PM - Last modified Mar. 13, 2024 1:10 PM