Preliminary project description for the master's thesis

All master students have to hand in a preliminary project description for the thesis during the first semester of studies and within an established deadline.


The purpose of the preliminary project description is to make sure that you are ready to start working on your master thesis when the spring semester starts.

The preliminary project description consists of a project idea and plan that are sufficiently detailed so that we can be confident that it will lead to a feasible master thesis project. The preliminary project description has to be uploaded in Canvas, within deadline (see semester page)


As a part of the course HGO4011 - Philosophy and methodology of human geography you are required to submit a preliminary project description.

The main deadline for handing in the project description is normally in the beginning of November, you will find the specific deadlines for each semester here.

Requirements for the preliminary project description

The preliminary project description should include the following points:

  1. Topic: What are the questions you want to address?
  2. Methods: How do you want to address these questions
  3. Data: Do you have access to the required data?
  4. Status of knowledge: What do we know about this topic already?
  5. Outline of your thesis: What thematic structure do you envisage your thesis will have?

Being a preliminary project description, these general requirements serve as a basic guideline. You may include additional points. 


Published Jan. 23, 2018 10:59 AM - Last modified Nov. 2, 2018 11:13 AM