Constant savings rates and quasi-arithmetic population growth under exhaustible resource constraints

Publisert i

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 53(2), 2007, pages 213-229


In the Dasgupta–Heal–Solow–Stiglitz (DHSS) model of capital accumulation and resource depletion we show the following equivalence: if an efficient path has constant (gross and net of population growth) savings rates, then population growth must be quasi-arithmetic and the path is a maximin or a classical utilitarian optimum. Conversely, if a path is optimal according to maximin or classical utilitarianism (with constant elasticity of marginal utility) under quasi-arithmetic population growth, then the (gross and net of population growth) savings rates converge asymptotically to constants.


By Geir B. Asheim, Wolfgang Buchholz, John M. Hartwick, Tapan Mitra and Cees Withagen
Published June 29, 2011 3:59 PM - Last modified June 29, 2011 4:02 PM