The empirical relationship between democracy and economic growth in Hong Kong

Author: Ole Andre Kjennerud, ESOP Scholarship Recipient 2011.


The relationship between democracy and economic growth has been an unsolved mystery in the literature during the last two decades. Most research has focused on cross-country data where a procedural definition of democracy has been used and the results indicate a small but negative and non-linear effect from democracy on growth.

In this paper I focus one a single region (Hong Kong) and define an index for democracy generated from a more complex system of dimensions than what has previously been used. Based on similar framework as Barro (1991, 1996), I find that democracy has the same non-linear effect on growth as is previously found, but the turning point is at a significantly higher level in Hong Kong than what Barro's cross-country estimate suggests. The consequence of this is that a conclusion of a small and negative effect from democracy on economic growth seems to untrue for Hong Kong.

Read the full thesis in DUO.

Published Mar. 23, 2015 11:20 AM