Inequality and Growth in the Very Long Run: Inferring Inequality from Data on Social Groups

Published in

Memorandum 11/2011


Income distribution data from before the Industrial Revolution usually comes in the shape of social tables: inventories of a range of social groups and their mean incomes. These are frequently reported without adjusting for within-group income dispersion, leading to a systematic downward bias in the reporting of pre-industrial inequality. This paper suggests a correction method, and applies it to an existing collection of twenty-five social tables, from Rome in AD 1 to India in 1947. The corrections, using a variety of assumptions on within-group dispersion, lead to substantial increases in the Gini coefficients. Combining the inequality levels with data on GDP, a robust positive relationship between income inequality and economic growth is confirmed. This supports earlier proposals, based on fewer data points,of a "super Kuznets curve" of increasing inequality over the entire pre-industrial period.

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By Jørgen Modalsli
Published Mar. 23, 2015 11:20 AM - Last modified May 2, 2024 9:55 AM