ESOP - Student Scholarships

ESOP has a limited number of scholarships available for Master Students who plan to write their Master's thesis during the Spring Semester 2009. The thesis must be relevant to ESOP's research areas. Application deadline is February 5, 2009.

Who may apply?
Applicants can be Master Students at the Department of Economics, or other departments at the Faculty of Social Sciences, who plan to write their Master Thesis during the Spring Semester 2009. The thesis must be relevant to ESOP's research areas. Applicants must have a supervisor or a co-supervisor at the Department of Economics or among ESOP's research staff.

The application
The application should be between 2 and 5 pages and contain a project plan for the thesis as well as a budget. It is recommended to contact possible supervisors during the planning of the application.

Interested students should send an application to

Published Dec. 15, 2008 2:54 PM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2009 2:22 PM