Botond Kőszegi is visiting ESOP

Botond Kőszegi is a Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley.

Botond Kőszegi is visiting ESOP Tuesday September 28 - Friday October 1. He is presenting at the Friday seminar October 1, 12.30-13.45 in room 1047. Kőszegi will be in room 1009. If you want to see him, contact him or Kalle Moene.

Kőszegi's main fields of research in economics are Economic Theory and Public Economics as well as Economics and Psychology and Individual Decisionmaking.

Koszegi was educated at Harvard and MIT, where he received his PhD in 2000, the same year he joined Berkeley as an assistant professor. He recently received a Hellman Family Faculty Fund award. Professor Koszegi also was the recipient of Harvard's Bok Center Award for Excellence in Teaching, an MIT Economics Fellowship, an NBER Aging Fellowship, and a Sloan Dissertation Fellowship.

More information about Kőszegi and his research can be found here.

Published Sep. 27, 2010 10:48 AM - Last modified May 13, 2015 8:24 AM