ESOP gets grant for “Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in India”

“Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in India” has been granted an allocation of NoK 1,000,000-. The means will primarily fund expenses in relation with workshops both in India and Norway.

Primary and secondary objectives of the project:

Primary: strengthen our research collaboration significantly, and prepare for a top quality and extensive long term research project with India.

Secondary: we plan to run a series of workshops both in India and in Norway. The workshops will cover the research topics discussed in the project description. They will have a comparative perspective where Indian institutions, social policies, poverty and the environment are analyzed in relation to the Northern European experiences. We will invite highly competent researchers to speak at the workshops who are at the research frontier of the topics social and economic development and the environment.

Published Oct. 29, 2010 6:33 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2012 10:10 AM