Apply for ESOP Scholarships 2013/14

Are you going to write your Master's thesis at the Department of Economics or any other Department at the Faculty of Social Sciences, UiO, in the spring of 2014? If you plan to write a thesis that is relevant to any of ESOP's research areas, apply for a scholarship within 20 October 2013.

Applicants should be master students at the Department of Economics, or at any other department at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo. The thesis must be relevant to ESOP's research areas.

There are two available scholarships on Gender and Economics and four available scholarships on ESOP's general fields of interest. Each scholarship amounts to NOK 15.000, which is paid in one payment. In addition to the scholarship itself, the recipients will have access to a personal work space with a computer at ESOP, and they may receive financial support for project-related travels.

For more information, please visit the scholarship website.

The application deadline is October 20, 2013.

Published Sep. 20, 2013 3:49 PM - Last modified Dec. 8, 2023 1:30 AM