NORFACE Workshop

The main focus of the workshop is on how behavioral models, in particular reference dependent preferences, can shed light on economic behavior and the role of public policy.

Workshop programme

11.30-12.15: Karl Ove Moene, University of Oslo: "The preference for beliefs consonance"

12.15-12.30: Coffee break

12.30-13.15: Tristan Gagnon-Bartsch, Harvard University: "Learning with Misattribution of Reference Dependence"

13.15-14.00: Ben Bushong, Harvard University: "Misattribution of Reference-Dependence: Evidence from a Real-Effort Experiment"

14.00-14.15: Coffee break

14.15-15.30: Ori Heffetz, Cornell University and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "Expectations and the Endowment Effect"

15.30-15.45: Coffee break

15.45-16.30: Eirik Kristiansen, Norwegian School of Economics: "Paying Specialist: A Theory of Competitive Compensation"

16.30-17.15: Alexander Cappelen, Norwegian School of Economics: "Reference dependence and social preferences"


The workshop is a join event of the NORFACE projects “Fairness, personal responsibility and the welfare state”, headed by Alexander Cappelen and Bertil Tungodden, and “Globalization, Institutions and the Welfare State (GIWeS)” headed by Karl Ove Moene.





Published Nov. 10, 2016 9:03 AM - Last modified Nov. 11, 2016 10:23 AM