ESOP as national contact point for International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP)

The International Panel on Social Progress brings together social scientists (mostly economists) from all over the world in order to analyze and spur debate about social change and alternative models for society.

By promoting cooperation across disciplines, the IPSP aims to answer how we can create a just society. The Panel will retain full independence from political parties, governments, and organizations with a partisan agenda. IPSP's work will result in a report. The first draft will be released Fall 2016 and the final report is set to be released Fall 2017. Read more on the issues covered in the report here.


Centre for the Study of Equality, Social Organization, and Performance (ESOP) has taken on the responsibility as national contact point for IPSP. ESOP leader Kalle Moene is co-author of Chapter 8: Social Justice, Well-Being and Economic Organization. The chapter assesses which aspects that can be changed in order to increase social justice and well-being, and the prospects for achieving such outcomes based on economic, social and political feasibility. Finally, it presents alternative visions for promoting progress.

For more information on IPSP, visit our project webpage


For further enquiries please send us an email:

Published July 7, 2016 10:12 AM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2016 1:23 PM