
Time and place: , Eilert Sundt, Seminar room 1220

BB- seminar: Nicolai Ellingsen presents work on "Chinese Transition: the Role of Embodied Technology"

Time and place: , Eilert Sundt, Seminar Room 1220

BB-seminar: Yikai Wang gives a presentation titled: Why Not a Converging World? Creative Destruction and A Unified Theory of Development “Traps"

Time and place: , Eilert Sundt, Seminar Room 1220

BB-seminar: Yicheng Wang presents "Government-driven Mortgage Guarantee Programs and Macroeconomic Effects"

Time and place: , Eilert Sundt, Seminar Room 1220

BB-seminar: Alessia Russo presents "Sustainable Intergenerational Insurance"

Time and place: , Eilert Sundts, Seminar room 1220

Macro BB seminar. Anirban Mitra presents "Redistribution of Economic Resources due to Conflict: The Maoist Uprising in Nepal".

Time and place: , Harriet Holter, Seminar room 101, Faculty of Social Siences

Macro BB Seminar. Andreas Müller presents "Towards a theory of structural change that can fit the late rise in services"

Time and place: , Seminar room ES 1220, Faculty of Social Sciences, UiO

MACRO BB seminar. Arnaldur S. Kristjansson, PhD candidate and project member, presents "Optimal taxation of investors and workers".

Time and place: , ESOP seminar room ES 1047

MACRO BB seminar. Alessia Russo, assistant professor and project member, presents the paper "Sustainable Intergenerational Insurance".

Time and place: , Seminar room ES 1220, Faculty of Social Sciences, UiO

MACRO BB seminar. Yikai Wang, assistant professor and project member, presents "China's Shadow Banking System".

Time and place: , Seminar room ES1220, Faculty of Social Sciences

MACRO BB seminar. Andreas Müller, assistant professor and project member, presents the paper "Sovereign Default Risk in a Political Equilibrium".


Time and place: , Seminar room ES1220, Faculty of Social Sciences

MACRO BB seminar. Alfonso Irrarazabal, BI Norwegian Business School and UiO, presents the paper "Optimal Asset Allocation for Commodity Sovereign Wealth Funds" w. Lin Ma.

Time and place: , Faculty of Social Sciences, seminar room ES1220

MACRO BB seminar. Jeffrey R. Campbell, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, presents the paper "Liquidity contraints of the middle class",