Last modified Apr. 21, 2016 8:05 PM by vegardsw@uio.no

BB-seminar: Alessia Russo presents "Youth Enfranchisement, Political Responsiveness, and Education Expenditure: Evidence from the U.S."

Last modified May 18, 2016 1:57 PM by vegardsw@uio.no

Presentation by Andreas Muller on "Time-Consistent Optimal Taxation of Factor Income in a Small Open Economy" at the BB-seminar April 26.

Last modified Dec. 9, 2016 1:19 PM by vegardsw@uio.no

Yikai Wang (UiO) present  "The Effects of Chinese Economic Stimulus Program in 2008" which is jointly work with Fabrizio Zilibotti (UZH) and Kjetil Storesletten (UiO)

Last modified Dec. 9, 2016 4:34 PM by vegardsw@uio.no

Martin Blomhoff Holm, BI Nydalen, presents "self-insurance with low interest rates".

Last modified Oct. 20, 2016 1:21 PM by vegardsw@uio.no

BB-Seminar May 31, Hans Holter presented "The Real Effects of Financial (Dis)integration: A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis of Europe" to the macrogroup.

Last modified Oct. 20, 2016 1:34 PM by vegardsw@uio.no

BB-seminar October 18, Matteo Alpino presented "Would you vote for me if I lower your taxes?".

Last modified Apr. 21, 2016 8:15 PM by vegardsw@uio.no

Mike Elsby is Professor of Economics at University of Edinburgh. He presents ongoing research under the title  "Vacancy Chains"

Last modified Feb. 18, 2016 1:52 PM by vegardsw@uio.no

BB-Seminar: Tobias Broer, Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University, presents "Risk-Sharing in Village Economies Revisited" (Joint work with Tessa Bold)

Last modified June 13, 2016 8:34 AM by vegardsw@uio.no

Yicheng Wang presented his work on "Risk sharing and risk taking with financial markets improvement" at BB-seminar this Monday.  

Last modified May 18, 2016 2:01 PM by vegardsw@uio.no

Presentation by Yikai Wang on "Divide and Rule: An Origin of Polarization and Ethnic Conflict", written jointly with Simon Alder.