BB-Seminar: Yicheng Wang presents "A Note on Creative Destruction and Incomplete Market"

Yicheng Wang presents "A Note on Creative Destruction and Incomplete Market", joint work with Yongsung Chang.   


We introduce competitive creative destruction into a standard incomplete-markets (Bewley-Hugget-Aiyagari) model, and study the interaction between the cross-sectional wealth distribution and endogenous growth. A higher growth rate (e.g., induced by a higher probability of successful innovation) has two opposing effects on the wealth distribution. On one hand, a higher interest rate  makes the wealth distribution more skewed, as the higher  rate of return from investment favors the asset-rich households. On the other hand, a higher expected average income in the future reduces the precautionary saving motives and thus makes the wealth distribution less skewed.  Preliminary results suggest that, under  standard parameters, the two effects roughly offset each other, leaving the steady-state distribution of wealth largely unchanged.


Published May 19, 2017 3:25 PM - Last modified May 19, 2017 3:25 PM