Sosial organisering

ESOPs ambisjon er å utforske samspillet mellom markeder, sosial likhet og arbeidstakeres trygghet. Ødelegger markedskreftene for sosiale reformer? Ødelegger sosiale reformer for effektivitet i markedene?


Det er en sterk sammenheng mellom hvordan økonomien er organisert, hvordan arbeidsplassen er organisert og hva slags kultur for tillit og samarbeid som preger et samfunn. Egalitære samfunn har vanligvis mindre hierarkisk oppbygde bedrifter. Denne arbeidsorganiseringen forsterker på sin side mekanismer som opprettholder egalitære trekk. Små sosiale forskjeller i samfunnet og på arbeidsplassen kan også forårsake mindre sosial konflikt, mer samhold, og dermed mer velfungerende samfunn med mer samarbeid. Viktigheten av gjensidig forsterkende mekanismer og konsistens blir ofte vektlagt i samfunnsøkonomi, men rammeverket er vanligvis begrenset til markedsmekanismen. Sammenhengene mellom de økonomiske, sosiale og politiske kreftene bør utforskes innenfor liknende rammeverk.

Våre forskningsresultater (på engelsk)

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Utvalgte publikasjoner

Fernandez , Raquel with Joyce C. Wong (2014); "Divorce risk, wages, and working wives: a quantitative life-cycle analysis of female labor force participation”,  Economic Journal, 2014.

Fernandez , Raquel with Joyce C. Wong (2014); "Unilateral Divorce, the Decreasing Gender Gap, and Married Women's Labor Force Participation" in American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 104 (5):342-247.

Nyborg, Karine (2014); “Do responsible employers attract responsible employees?”, in IZA World of Labor, May 2014.

Sørensen, Erik with Cappelen, Alexander W., Knut Nygård and Bertil Tungodden (2014): "Social preferences in the lab: A comparison of students and a representative population", Forthcoming in Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Sørensen, Erik with Alexander W. Cappelen, Rune Jansen Hagen amd Bertil Tungodden (2014): “Do non-enforceable contracts matter? Evidence from an international lab experiment”, in Review of Income and Wealth, 60(1), 100-113, 2014.

Andersen, P.A. with Ø. Kravdal, T.H. Lyngstad and W. Sigle-Rushton (2013); "Proceed with Caution? Parents’ Union and Children’s Educational Achievement", Journal of Marriage and the Family 76: 161-174.

Barth, Erling with Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen (2013); “The Effects of Organizational Change on Worker Well-Being and the Moderating Role of Trade UnionsIndustrial and Labor Relations Review, vol. 66 (4), 989-1011.

Kodzi, I. with Ø. Kravdal and W. Sigle-Rushton (2013); "Effects of the Number and Age of Siblings on Educational Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa". Studies in Family Planning 44: 275-297.

Kravdal, Øystein (2013); "The Poorer Cancer Survival among the Non-married in Norway: Is much Explained by Comorbidities?" Social Science and Medicine 81: 42-52.

Kundu, Tapas with M. Simon, B, Gunia, E. Martin, C.  Foucar, D.  Ragas, L. Emanuel (2013); “Path Toward Economic Resilience for Family Caregivers: Mitigating Household Deprivation and the Health Care Talent Shortage at the Same Time,” The Gerontologist vol. 53 (5), 861-873.

Moen, Espen R. and Åsa Rosen (2013); “On-the-job Search and Moral Hazard”, Journal of the European Economic Association, vol 11, no. 6.

Moene, Kalle (2013); ”Ulikhetens og likhetens likevekt,” i Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, Vol 16, nr. 2.

Moene, Kalle (2013); "Økonomisk teori etter murens fall", Samfunnsøkonomen 2013 (1).

Nyborg, Karine with Tao Zhang (2013); “Is Corporate Social Responsibility Associated with Lower Wages?”, Environmental and Resource Economics vol. 55 (1), 107-117.

Rege, Mari with Venke Furre Haaland and Kjetil Telle (2013); “Kvinner og arbeid”, Samfunnsøkonomen 2013 (9).

Barth, E., B. Bratsberg, T. Hægeland,  and O. Raaum,  (2012): "Performance Pay Within-firm Wage Inequality". In Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 75 (3):327-362.

Bratsberg, B., Raaum, O. and Røed, K. (2012): "Educating Children of Immigrants: Closing the Gap in Norwegian Schools". In Nordic Economic Policy Review 1: 211-252.

Cappelen, Alexander and Bertil Tungodden,  (2012): "Adferdsøkonomi og økonomiske eksperimenter". In Magma 5: 26-30.

Cappelen, Alexander and Bertil Tungodden,  (2012): "Insentiver og innsats". In Magma 5:38-44.

Høyland, Bjørn, Karl Ove Moene,  and Fredrik Willumsen,  (2012): "The Tyranny of International Index Rankings". In Journal of Development Economics 97 (1):1-14.

Kotsadam, Andreas with Andersson, Lisa and Jakobsson, Niklas (2012): "A Field Experiment of Discrimination in the Norwegian Housing Market: Gender, Class, and Ethnicity". In Labor Economics 88 (2): 233-240.

Kotsadam, Andreas with Jakobsson, Niklas and Hansen, Thomas (2012): "Er det sammenheng mellom formell og uformell omsorg i Norge?". In Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning 17 (3), pages 22-29.

Kotsadam, Andreas with Jakobsson, Niklas (2012): "Uformell eldreomsorg – et hinder for kvinner på arbeidsmarkedet?". In Søkelys på arbeidslivet 29 (1-2): 97 -100.

Kravdal, Øystein, Gurundy, E., Lyngstad,T. and Wiik, K. Aa. (2012): "Family life history and late mid- life mortality in Norway". In Population and Development Review 38, pages 237-257.

Kravdal, Øystein and K. Berntsen and (2012): "The relationship between mortality and time since divorce, widowhood or remarriage in Norway". In Social Science and Medicine 75, pages 2267-2274.

Mehlum, Halvor (2012): "The Case for Open Access Publishing". In International Studies Perspectives 13 (3):216-223.

Mehlum, Halvor, Moene, Karl Ove and Torvik, Ragnar (2012): "Mineral Rents and Social Development in Norway". In Katja Hujo (ed.) Mineral rents and the financing of social policy, Palgrave Macmillian.

Mehlum, Halvor and Moene, Karl Ove (2012): "Aggressive elites and vulnerable entrepreneurs: Trust and cooperation in the shadow of conflict". In Garfinkel, Michelle R. and Skaperdas, Stergios (eds.) Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Peace and Conflict, Oxford University Press.

Nyborg, Karine (2012): "The Ethics and Politics of Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis". Routledge, London.

Rege, Mari with with Telle, K. and Votruba, M. (2012): "Social Interaction Effects in Disability Pension Participation: Evidence from Plant Downsizing". In Scandinavian Journal of Economics 114 (4), pages 1208-1239.

Sørensen, Erik, Salvenes, Kjell G. and Ingvild Almås (2012): "Et valg i blinde? Norske ungdommers kjennskap til ulikheter i arbeidsmarkedet før de gjør sine utdanningsvalg." In Magma 15 (5), pages 45-51.

Røed, Knut with Fevang, Elisabeth and Kverndokk, Snorre (2012): "Labor Supply in the Terminal Stages of Lone Parents’ Lives". In Journal of Population Economics 25 (4), pages 1399-1422.

Zilibotti, Fabrizio, Acemoglu, Daron and Gancia, Gino (2012): "Competing Engines of Growth: Innovation and Standardization." In Journal of Economic Theory 147 (2), pages 570-601

Brekke, Kjell Arne, Karen Evelyn Hauge, Jo Thori Lind and Karine Nyborg (2011) "Playing with the good guys. A public good game with endogenous group formation", Journal of Public Economics Vol. 95 No. 9-10, pages 1111-1118.

Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil (2011): “Distributive interdependencies in liberal egalitarianism”. In Social Choice and Welfare 36 (1) pages 35-47

Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik and Tungodden, Bertil; with Hole, Astri Drange (2011): “The importance of moral reflection and self-reported data in a dictator game with production.” In Social Choice and Welfare 36 (1), pages 105-120.

Brekke, Kjell Arne, Hauge, Karen Evelyn, Lind, Jo Thori and Nyborg, Karine (2011): “Playing with the Good Guys. A Public Good Game with Endogenous Group Formation.” In Journal of Public Economics 95 (9-10), pages 1111-1118.

Fiva, Jon with Kirkebøen, Lars J. (2011): “Information Shocks and the Dynamics of the Housing Market.” In Scandinavian Journal of Economics 113 (3), 2011, pages 525-552.

Jacobsen, Karin, Lind, Jo Thori, and Nyborg, Karine with Eika, Kari H. and Helland, Leif (2011): “Are nurses more altruistic than real estate brokers?” In Journal of Economic Psychology 32 (5), pages 818-831.

Kravdal, Øystein, and Keilman, Nico with Cohen, Joel E. (2011): “Childbearing impeded education more than education impeded childbearing among Norwegian women.” In Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 108 (29), 2011.

Moen, Espen R. (2011); "Hvorfor faller ikke lønningene mer i nedgangstider?" Samfunnsøkonomen nr 9, 2011: 30-31.

Mogstad, Magne, and Rege, Mari with Kalil, Ariel and Votruba, Mark (2011): ”Divorced Fathers’ Proximity and Children’s Long Run Outcomes: Evidence from Norwegian Registry Data”. In Demography 48 (3), pages 1005-1027.

Nilssen, Tore with Clark, Derek (2011): “Learning by doing in contests.” In Public Choice, online first, 2011.

Nyborg, Karine (2011): “I don't want to hear about it: Rational ignorance among duty-oriented consumers.” In Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 79 (3), pages 263-274.

Almås, Ingvild, Alexander W. Cappelen, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden (2010) "Fairness and the Development of Inequality Acceptance", Science Vol. 328 No. 5982:1176-1178.

Anderson, Siwan, Jean-Marie Baland and Karl Ove Moene (2009) "Enforcement in Informal Saving Groups", Journal of Development Economics Vol. 90 No. 1:14-23.

Fernandez, Raquel and Alessandra Fogli (2009) "Culture: An Empirical Investigation of Beliefs, Work, and Fertility", American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics Vol. 1 No. 1: 146-177.




Publisert 19. jan. 2012 10:25 - Sist endret 17. aug. 2022 12:57