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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 11

Tid og sted: , TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, Moltke Moes vei 31, Eilert Sundts hus, 10. etg.

On the occasion of Kristin Asdal and Tone Huse’s new book with MIT Press, Nature-Made Economy: Cod, Capital and the Great Economization of the Ocean, TIK is hosting a launch and lounge seminar.

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Sonja Kovacevic is a Researcher at the Department of Economics, University of Oslo. She will present the paper: "It’s all about what you learn: Isolating the human capital component in the returns to higher education."

Tid og sted: , Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology

Conference on private lives and sociality in a digital era.

Tid og sted: , Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology

Conference on private lives and sociality in a digital era.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 3, Eilert Sundts hus

The Land Beneath Our Feet follows a young Liberian man uprooted by war, who returns from the USA with never-before-seen footage of Liberia's past.

Tid og sted: , Eilert Sundts Hus Blokk B, Rom 750

Title: To be confirmed

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Gaétan de Rassenfosse is an Associate Professor in Science & Technology Policy at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland). He will present the paper: "An Empirical Analysis of Patent Office Delays and Market Entry Timing."

Tid og sted: , ES hus, room 629

Title of the presentation: Online speech predicts religious conflict in India

Tid og sted: , Online

With Christopher Fardan and Audrey Gagnon

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 7, Eilert Sundts hus

Professor Gavin Bridge fra Durham University holdt Tschudi-forelesningen for 2023 ved Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 4, Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3A, 0373 Oslo

National and international collaborators of Bente Træen will discuss the present and future of sex research, as well as challenges in disseminating sex research in the media. Together we will celebrate the official opening of the Norwegian Research Center for Sexual Health. Sign up here 

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Adam Altmejd is a Post-doc at the Department of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics and a researcher at the Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University. He will present the paper: "Inheritance of fields of study."

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 3, Eilert Sundts hus

Through the eyes of Sierra Leonean filmmaker Arthur Pratt, Survivors presents an intimate portrait of his country during the Ebola outbreak, exposing the complexity of the epidemic and the sociopolitical turmoil that lies in its wake.

Tid og sted: , Forsamlingssalen på Psykologisk institutt

Cand. Psychol. Astrid Brænden vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.D: 

Cognitive and biological mechanisms of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder in children.

Tid og sted: , ARENA, Gaustadallén 30

Nikoleta Yordanova presents the paper Negotiating European Integration: Council Responsiveness to Public Opinion at the Tuesday Seminar on 17 October 2023.

Tid og sted: , PAM 489 & Zoom

The SOILS team is excited to welcome Associate Professor of Anthropology Kristina Lyons as the presenter for the reading group.

Tid og sted: , Eilert Sundts Hus Blokk B, Rom 750

Title: stortingscrape - An R package for accessing data from the Norwegian parliament

Tid og sted: , Domus Bibliotheca , UiO, Karl Johans gate 47

Forskningsprosjektet Prinsipper under press: Økonomisk politikk i krisetider inviterer til formidlingsseminar om økonomisk politikk i krisetider. 

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Samuel Dodini is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). He will present the paper: "How Do Firms Respond to Unions?" (written with Anna Stansbury and Alexander Willen).

Tid og sted: , ES hus, room 629

Title of the presentation: The economy-environment tradeoff: Are individual environmental priorities decoupled from national economic conditions?

Tid og sted: , Room 1249 at Eilert Sundts Hus

Department seminar. Giulia Giupponi is an Assistant Professor of Public Economics at Bocconi University. She will present the paper: "Forward-Looking Labor Supply Responses to Changes in Pension Wealth: Evidence from Germany" (written with Elisabeth Artmann and Nicola Fuchs-Schuendeln).

Tid og sted: , Domus Bibliotecha, Karl Johans gate 47

Økonomisk institutt og Norwegian Fiscal Studies (NFS) inviterer til frokostmøte om Statsbudsjettet 2024. Arrangementet er åpent for alle og det blir servert kaffe og boller.

Tid og sted: , Domus Bibliotheca, Karl Johans gate 47

Økonomisk institutt og Norwegian Fiscal Studies (NFS) inviterer til frokostmøte om Statsbudsjettet 2024. Arrangementet er åpent for alle og det blir servert kaffe og boller.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 3, Eilert Sundts hus

Elephant's Dream is a portrait of three state-owned institutions and their workers in DR Congo.