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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 25

Tid og sted: , U1 - Kjellern på Eilert Sundts

Vi inviterer alle studenter ved ISS til en sosial kveld ispedd faglig snadder. 

Tid og sted: , ARENA, Gaustadallén 30

Adriana Bunea presents the co-authored paper Public consultations and stakeholder support for legislative proposals: Evidence from the European Union at the Tuesday Seminar on 6 September 2022.

Tid og sted: , Nydalen, Seminarrom 1

Universities policy and financing in Québec

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Eilert Sundts hus

Nejra Macic, sjeføkonom i Prognosesenteret, skal holde årets Schweigaardforelesning ved Økonomisk Institutt.

Tid og sted: , Akersveien 26 (SSB), Auditorium

We would like to invite to the final student presentations in the new summer course “Political Data Science Hackathon” (ISSSV1337).


Tid og sted: , Madrid

The Value threads team is organizing two open panels at the 2022 EASST conference in Madrid

Tid og sted: , Science Po Paris

The third Summer School on Concepts and Methods for Research on Far-Right Politics will take place at Science Po, 4-8 July 2022.


This two-day conference aims to explore, in a workshop format, various aspects of the far-right outside of political parties.

This conference will bring together both early careers and more well-established scholars in the field to share their work, and provide an opportunity for feedback from some of the field's top scholars. 

Tid og sted: , Blindern Campus, University of Oslo

University of Oslo and EITM Europe are inviting PhD-students and junior faculty to our 2022 Summer Insitute "Evidence-based Political Science for a Globalizing World: Causal Inference, Experimental and Quasi-Experimental approaches".

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 3, Sophus Bugges Hus, Oslo

John Erik Fossum and Jarle Trondal offer the PhD course ‘A differentiated Europe and its implications’.

Application deadline: 15 May 2022.

Tid og sted: , Harriet Holters hus, Blindern, Universitetet i Oslo

The Department of Political Science is inviting PhD-students interested in organizational research to attend our summer course, organised by the SCANCOR network.

Tid og sted: , Loftet, Professorboligen, Karl Johans gate 47

The Oslo Nuclear Project has the pleasure of inviting you to this talk by Francis J. Gavin, Giovanni Agnelli Distinguished Professor & Director, Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C., taking place on 13 June, 2:30 PM4:00 PM.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 3, Eilert Sundts hus, Blindern

Etter en pause, ønsker vi igjen hjertelig velkommen til et arrangement i seminarserien Cities & Society. Vi har invitert to innledere som er opptatte av nabolagets betydning, men som har jobbet med dette på ulike måter.

Ingar Brattbakk, forsker ved Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet, OsloMet.
Ragnhild Augustsen, landskapsarkitekt og ansvarlig for podcasten Våre Steder.

(This seminar will be held in Norwegian only)

Tid og sted: , Gullhaug Torg 1 & Zoom

Title of the presentation: "The Great Democratic Divergence: How Some Societies Sustain Collective Rule"

Tid og sted: , Online

With Koen Damhuis (University of Utrecht) and Léonie de Jonge (University of Groningen)

Tid og sted: , Zoom

The Oslo Nuclear Project has the pleasure of inviting you to an online seminar with Jessica Cox (Director, Nuclear Policy Directorate at NATO HQ) on “The Future of NATO's Nuclear Deterrence” on 3 June (14:00-15:15).

Tid og sted: , Nydalen

The political dynamics of building crisis response capacities. A longitudinal case study of the Norwegian police 2001-2021

Tid og sted: , Nydalen

Philipp Broniecki and Bjørn Høyland present their paper on Patterns of Roll-Call Requests in the European Parliament. The presentation will focus on the technical issues involved in shaping, phrasing and organizing information from a large set of semi-structured web-pages. 

Tid og sted: , Zoom

We will discuss Aaron Bateman's new Journal of Strategic Studies article, "Mutually assured surveillance at risk: Anti-satellite weapons and cold war arms control."

Tid og sted: , Online

Lecturer: Nathaniël Kunkeler, C-REX


Kathleen R. McNamara presents at the ARENA Tuesday seminar on 31 May 2022.

Tid og sted: , Digitalt eller Domus Juridica, Kristian Augusts gt. 17, Oslo

Partnerforum arrangerer et event med Helene Sjursen om EU som sikkerhetspolitisk aktør - perspektiver fra de nordiske landene.

Tid og sted: , Zoom / Ullevål Stadion: Møterom 342

In this final seminar Tércio will present his Ph.D. thesis draft on new forms of contract and interfirm collaboration in the offshore oil and gas industry .

Tid og sted: , Gullhaug Torg 1 & Zoom

Title of the presentation: "When Losing the State Drives Opposition to Redistribution: An Experiment in India", co-authored with Pavithra Suryanarayan

Tid og sted: , Online

With Tore Bjørgo (C-REX) and Ryan Scrivens (Michigan State University)