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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 41

Tid og sted: , Kulturhuset, Youngsgate 6, Oslo

Welcome to a lecture by professor Rogers Brubaker from University of California, Los Angeles. The lecture is followed by a panel debate.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Eilert Sundts hus

Geir Axelsen, administrerende direktør i Statistisk sentralbyrå, skal holde årets Schweigaardforelesning til samfunnsøkonomistudentene.

Tid og sted: , Johan P. Olsen Room

Holger Straßheim presented his paper 'Reframing regulation: behavioural expertise in EU policy-making' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 28 August 2018.

Tid og sted: , MS Sunnhordland, Arendal (Langbryggen)

Former Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide meets leading researchers to debate Norwegian participation in EU agencies. 

Tid og sted: , MS Sunnhordland, Arendal (Langbryggen)

Tidligere utenriksminister Espen Barth Eide møter ledende forskere til debatt om norsk tilslutning til EU-byråer. 

Tid og sted: , MS Sunnhordland, brygga i Arendal

Hvordan møte den nye høyreekstremismen? Den nordiske motstandsbevegelsen jobber for tiden iherdig med å bre seg utover det nordiske kartet. Hvor stor ytringsfrihet bør denne og lignende grupper ha?

Tid og sted: , MS Sunnhordland, Arendal

The former Norwegian minister of EEA and EU Affairs, Marit Berger Røsland, will debate Brexit and 'the Norway model' with leading EU researchers from ARENA. 

Tid og sted: , Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence, Italy

The ECPR Standing Group on Extremism & Democracy, the Centre for Research on Extremism (C-REX), and the Centre on Social Movement Studies (COSMOS) invite applications for the upcoming Summer School on ‘Concepts and Methods for Research on Far-Right Politics’, which will be held at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence, Italy, from Monday 25 to Friday 29 June 2018.

Tid og sted: , Johan P. Olsen Room

At the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 12 June 2018, Paul Blokker will discuss his paper 'Transnational European movements and constitutional claims'.

Tid og sted: , Room 551, Eilert Sundt Building, Blindern campus

Dr. Jochen Markard will hold a talk reflecting on the emerging research topics in the field of energy transition studies.

Tid og sted: , Aud.5, Eilert Sundts house

We are pleased to invite you to the next event of the Cities & Society seminar series: Towards a Global Urban Geopolitics - Bringing Geopolitics into the Mainstream of Comparative Urban Studies by Dr. Jonathan Rokem.

Tid og sted: , Kulturhuset i Oslo, Youngs gate 6, 0181 Oslo

C-REX - Senter for ekstremismeforskning ved Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) og Den Norske Atlanterhavskomité inviterer til paneldebatt om ytre høyres fremmarsj i Europa og USA med professor Cas Mudde, Kathleen M. Blee og Michael Kimmel

Tid og sted: , Johan P. Olsen Room

Professor Cristina Lafont from GLOBUS will present the paper 'Neoliberal globalization and the international protection of human rights' on 15 May 2018.

Tid og sted: , Undervisningsrom 1, Georg Sverdrups house, University of Oslo

This two-day workshop aims to bring together distinguished scholars from different scholarly fields to examine the various intersections of gender in extremist movements. Our aim is to better understand how notions of gender identities, values, norms and behaviours frame views and ideologies. We aim to examine the roles of men and women alike, and the extent to which gendered norms and values become an axis for differing political identifications, and outcomes.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Eilert Sundts Building, University of Oslo

Professor Kathleen Blee and professor Michael Kimmel lectures on the relations between Gender and Extremism.

Tid og sted: , HL-senteret, Villa Grande, Huk Aveny 56

Professor Cynthia Miller-Idriss, American University Washington, presents how extremism is going mainstream through clothing brands laced with racist and nationalist symbols.