Academic Writing for Doctoral Students

This full-day workshop will be an opportunity to reflect on the central challenges of academic writing, with focus on your current writing and PhD thesis. This workshop normally runs every autumn. 

Workshop objective

To reflect on the central challenges of academic writing in the context of a doctoral project.

Course description

The workshop will take participants systematically through some of the main challenges of academic writing and publishing: audience, core argument and structure, as well as cultivating good writing habits. The course focuses mainly on the article-based thesis and covers both the journal articles and the narrative (the “kappe”), but it is also relevant for those writing a monograph.


Participants can be at any stage of their doctoral work. During the course, they should have with them a working draft of a paper or chapter from their thesis that they can use as a point of departure for the practical exercises. A laptop is recommended.

09:15-10:00       Introduction: The nature of academic writing

10:15-11:00       Core argument: Figuring out what you want to say

11:15-12:00       Structure: Tailoring your story to your audience

Lunch break

12:30-13:15       The “kappe”: writing the narrative

13.30-14:15       Developing good writing habits

14:30-15:30       Practical exercises: Finding journals and putting the pieces together

Target group

This course is available to PhD candidates admitted to the PhD programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Vacant places will be offered to post-doctoral fellows at the Faculty of Social Sciences and PhD-candidates from other UiO faculties.


Lynn P. Nygaard (

Lynn P. Nygaard is a Special Adviser at The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and has worked with academic writing and publishing for many years. She is the author of Writing for Scholars: A Practical Guide to Making Sense and Being Heard (Sage: 2015) and Strategies for Writing a Thesis by Publication in the Social Sciences and Humanities (Routledge: 2021).


Course fee

The course is free of charge, but please remember to give notice if you find that you are unable to attend. The course is very popular and we will be managing a waiting list.


Registration is closed

Publisert 19. jan. 2023 15:25 - Sist endret 6. mars 2024 10:51