Career planning workshop for Early Career Researchers.

It has never been more important for early career researchers to be strategic about career moves, to develop effective networks and master the right skills to get into their careers of choice.


Whether you’re preparing for a faculty position or looking to find what other career options are out there, it’s important to spend time to understand yourself, your values, and what skills and interests you have. After all, you want to make sure that whatever job or career you pursue will be one that you find satisfying, rewarding, and challenging! 

These two halfday workshops is for you who wants to be proactive about your job prospects and are looking for practical ways to structure your progress and succeed in your preferred career - in academia or beyond. Sign up for one or both days. 


Career planning workshops autumn 2024: October 7 and October 8


October 7, Harriet Holters hus 041
Day 1: Competence Mapping - what you can and what you want

Time: 09:00 - 13:00

The workshop focus on:

  • Learn how to describe your competence and skills that can help you discover your career opportunities outside academia
  • Learn what motivates you so you can make good career choices

October 8, Harriet Holters hus 038
Day 2: How to make a plan for your career

Time: 09:00 - 13:00

The workshop focus on:

  • Kick start your career development plan
  • Get tools to set your short term and long term goals

  • Learn how to expand your network wisely that can help you in your further career development

Target group

This course is available to all PhD candidates admitted to a PhD programme at UiO.


The  workshop is organized by UiO Career Support for Early Career Researcher.  
Else-Marie Lingaas, Senior Adviser, Office for Research and International cooperation
Vivienne Lumayag, Senior Adviser, Competence and organizational development.

Course fee

The course is free of charge.


The workshops normally runs every autumn semester.
Registration is required and binding.

Registration is open until October 4th, 10:00 am. 



Publisert 26. mars 2019 13:30 - Sist endret 27. juni 2024 14:07