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Valgfrie kurs og karrierestøtte

Forskerutdanningen i samfunnsvitenskap er en utdanning av høy internasjonal kvalitet, som kvalifiserer kandidatene for en videre akademisk karriere eller for andre yrker med høye krav til kompetanse og ferdigheter.

Å planlegge karrieren din starter når du begynner på ph.d.-utdanningen. Vi tilbyr karrierestøtte gjennom workshop, veiledninger, møteplasser og nettressurser som en valgfri del av ph.d-utdanningen. 

Kursene er åpne for alle postdoktorer og ph.d.-kandidater ved UiO.

Bildet kan inneholde: smil, erme, gatemote, gest, halsbånd.

Forskerkurs og seminarer

Forskerkurs i samfunnsvitenskap ved Universitetet i Oslo.

Nasjonale forskerkurs i samfunnsvitenskapelige fag

Valgfriekurs og karrierestøtte

Det er frivillig deltakelse på våre valgfrie kurs. Alle kurs er basert på aktiv påmelding. Invitasjon og lenke til påmelding sendes ut i nyhetsbrev til alle PhD-kandidater ved fakultetet.

Career Planning Workshop for Early Career Reseachers

Whether you’re preparing for a faculty position or looking to find what other career options are out there, it’s important to spend time to understand yourself, your values, and what skills and interests you have.

Autumn Semester

Academic writing for Doctoral Students

The workshop will take participants systematically through some of the main challenges of academic writing and publishing: audience, core argument and structure, as well as cultivating good writing habits. 

Autumn Semester

Zotero Workshop

Zotero is a smart reference and research tool suitable for collaboration. In this workshop, you will learn how to collect, organize, and share your bibliographies, cite as you write, and mark up and annotate your research material. 

Spring / Autumn semester

Starter kit: Teaching as a PhD candidate

This introductory course in university pedagogy offered by EILIN in collaboration with LINK. The course is arranged as one 6 hour session and one 2 hour follow-up session later in the semester.

Spring / Autumn Semester

How to register your projects with the NSD/Sikt

This is a two hour course which go through how you register your projects with the NSD/Sikt.

Spring / Autumn Semester

Using Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar to find the research front

Learn how to effectively find the most important research within a topic! This course gives an introduction to literature searching in interdisciplinary article databases such as Scopus, Web of Science and the search engine Google Scholar. 

Spring / Autumn semester


Open Research - publication and data archiving

Open research is the new normal, but how to navigate this landscape. This course will help you to map out key concepts by giving you an introduction UiO policies, infrastructure and support for open research.

Spring / Autumn semester

Workshop in Data management plans

Learn about what Data Management Plans (DMPs) are and how to write one.

Spring / Autumn semester

Introduction to programming in R

Learn the basics of programming in R, a common tool for data analysis and statistics.

Spring / Autumn semester

Introduction to Nvivo

This is a three hour course which will provide an introduction to NVivo as a tool in qualitative analysis and project management.

Spring / Autumn semester

Project management i academia

Are you applying for funding or just been granted money to start up a new project?
In this course you will be introduced to the framework and methodology of “classic” project management and how to adapt this to project management of a research project. The aim of this course is to give you the knowledge on how to better plan for your research project and to ensure effective implementation and minimize risks throughout.


Too many demands at the same time?

This is a course held by the Occupational Health Service Unit. The aim of the course is to build awareness about stress-related complaints, health implications and how to improve the situation.



Time spent thinking about your values, strengths and areas for development is time well spent. Taking a strategic approach can give you choice and a competitive edge. You can map your professional development using the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF). 

Our aim is to enable beginning researchers to easily access information on searching and reviewing scholarly literature, on academic writing, and on sharing and publishing reports and data. The project is a collaboration between five Norwegian university libraries.

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