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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet har koordinert et Marie Skłodowska-Curie doktorgradsnettverk og vært/er partner i flere. Per 2024 har fakultetet tatt i mot syv forskere på individuelle MSCA-stipend.

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MSCA Doctoral Network (partner): The European Social Science Genetics Network (ESSGN)

ESSGN will analyse to what extent genetic (‘nature’) and environmental (‘nurture’) factors contribute to equality of opportunity and intergenerational mobility, and establish how nature and nurture jointly shape inequalities in life chances. The consortium consists of an interdisciplinary group of academics, as well as seven non-academic partners committed to using data science to address inequalities in life chances. Our aim is to train the next generation of social scientists in the responsible and technically correct use of genetic data and in objective communication about what can and cannot be learned from working with genetic data in the social sciences.

Hovedforsker: Eivind Ystrøm
Hvor: Psykologisk institutt 
Prosjektets nettside
Periode: 1. mars 2023 – 28. februar 2027

MSCA Doctoral Network (partner): Coping with Varieties of Radicalization into Terrorism and Extremism (VORTEX)

VORTEX represents an innovative and integrative doctoral network of practitioners and academics for training of doctoral candidates in radicalisation studies. It brings together eight universities and research institutes who will employ ten doctoral candidates, as well as 14 associated partners (law enforcement, judiciary agencies, providers of welfare services, state security, civil society organisations, and research institutes). The project’s overarching aim is to develop new evidence-based innovative strategies to counter and prevent ideological and behavioural radicalisation. 

Hovedforsker: Tore Bjørgo
HvorC-REX - Senter for ekstremismeforskning
Prosjektets nettside
Periode: 1. januar 2023 – 31. desember 2026


MSCA European Joint Doctorate (partner): Anthropology of Human Security in Africa (ANTHUSIA)

Hovedforsker: Paul Wenzel GeisslerSosialantropologisk institutt
1. januar 2018 – 31. desember 2022

MSCA European Training Network (partner): Well-being, Ecology, Gender and cOmmunity (WEGO-ITN)

Hovedforsker: Andrea J. Nightingale, Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi 
1. januar 2018 – 30. juni 2022

MSCA European Training Network (koordinator): The Post-Crisis Legitimacy of the European Union (PLATO)

Koordinator: Christopher LordARENA Senter for europaforskning
1. januar 2017 – 31. desember 2020


MSCA Postdoctoral/Individual Fellowships 

MSCA-IF: Elite Politics in Electoral Autocracies (ELITE)

Dictators are dependent on a loyal coalition of supporters within the ruling elite. This project seeks to answer how elite defection and divisons affect regime stability and democratization.

Hovedforsker: Adrian del Rio Rodriguez
Hvor: Institutt for statsvitenskap
Prosjektets nettside
Periode: 08. januar 2024 – 07. januar 2026

MSCA-IF: Micro-level Politics of Peace (MICROPOLPAX)

Establishing sustainable peace that has the support of the population is a key aim of peace settlements. Yet peace agreements are often elite pacts that fail to take into account the views of the citizens, those most affected by the conflict. This study asks what peace means to individuals; when do they reject or support international norms such as respect for minorities, and justice; and what are the effects of these preferences.

Hovedforsker: Lesley-Ann Daniels
Hvor: Institutt for statsvitenskap
Prosjektets nettside
1. september 2022 – 31. august 2024


MSCA-IF: Socially Distanced Solidarity: Far Right Recruitment and Enrolment During the COVID-19 Pandemic (SODIS)

Hovedforsker: Katherine KondorC-REX - Senter for ekstremismeforskning
6. september 2021 – 5. september 2023

MSCA-IF: Genetic and geographical determinants of depression (GenGeoRisk)

Hovedforsker: Ziada AyorechPsykologisk institutt
1. februar 2021 – 31. januar 2023

MSCA-IF: Towards Precision Psychiatry (ToPP)

Hovedforsker: Thomas Wolfers, Psykologisk institutt
1. august 2020 – 31. juli 2022

Publisert 17. apr. 2023 15:44 - Sist endret 14. mai 2024 10:41