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Tematiske samarbeidsprosjekter

Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet har lykkes godt innenfor samfunnsutfordringene. I Horisont 2020 koordinerte fakultetets forskere tre samarbeidsprosjekter og var partner i 11 prosjekter.


Research and Innovation Action: EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy (EU3D)

What are the democratic potentials and the dominance pitfalls of differentiation in today’s EU? EU3D specifies the conditions under which differentiation is politically acceptable, institutionally sustainable, and democratically legitimate; and singles out those forms of differentiation that engender dominance.

Koordinator: John Erik Fossum
Hvor: ARENA Senter for europaforskning
Prosjektets nettside
Periode: 1. februar 2019 – 31. juli 2023


Research and Innovation Action: Lifebrain: Healthy minds from 0-100 years

Koordinator: Kristine WalhovdPsykologisk institutt
1. januar 2017 – 30. juni 2022

Research and Innovation Action: Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice (GLOBUS)

Koordinator: Helene SjursenARENA Senter for europaforskning
1. juni 2016 – 31. mai 2020


Research and Innovation Action: The Representative Disconnect: Diagnosis and Strategies for Rectification (REDIRECT)

The focus of REDIRECT is to study the current transformation of democratic polities in Europe, to realise whether and how their centres of gravity are shifting, and to improve our understanding of the 'representative disconnect' – a multidimensional phenomenon of regression of the demos-kratos linkage involving institutional, behavioral and affective components. 

Hovedforsker: John Erik Fossum
Hvor: ARENA Senter for europaforskning
Prosjektets nettside
 1. februar 2023 – 31. januar 2027

Research and Innovation Action: Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in Europe (RECLAIM)

The RECLAIM project studies the implications of post-truth politics on democracy in Europe. It aims to put forward new definitions, methods and toolkits as to how to analyse and respond to various expressions of information disorder on today's democracy. It will analyse disinformation in Europe and use the results to advise on policy making, education and actions to react to the negative effect of disinformation on democratic discourse and the basic structure of modern liberal democracy.

Hovedforsker: Asimina Michailidou 
Hvor: ARENA Senter for europaforskning
Prosjektets nettside
Periode: 1. oktober 2022 – 30. september 2025

Research and Innovation Action: Rethinking Global Supply Chains: measurement, impact and policy (RETHINK-GSC)

The changing nature of global supply chains requires a rethinking of GSCs in the design of appropriate policy responses and in taking into account their employment and social impacts. The overall goal of RETHINK-GSC is to enhance our understanding of the impact of GSCs using new measures that can quantify the role knowledge flows, and more generally services inputs, and thus acknowledge the increasing importance of intangibles in global production. 

Hovedforsker: Inga Heiland
Hvor: Økonomisk institutt
Periode: 1. oktober 2022 – 30. september 2025

Research and Innovation Action: Rebuilding governance and resilience out of the pandemic (REGROUP)

REGROUP aims to: (1) provide the European Union with a body of actionable advice on how to rebuild post-pandemic governance and public policies in an effective and democratic way; anchored to (2) a map of the socio-political dynamics and consequences of Covid-19; and (3) an empirically-informed normative evaluation of the pandemic. REGROUP pursues this threefold objective via a multi-level (national, supranational, international) and multi-sphere (political, societal, ideational, digital) research approach, and guided by three overarching analytical themes: reordering; risk; and resilience. 

Hovedforsker: John Erik Fossum
Hvor: ARENA Senter for europaforskning
Prosjektets nettside
Periode: 1. september 2022 – 31. august 2025

Research and Innovation Action: Reducing the impact of major environmental challenges on mental health (environMENTAL)

The environMENTAL project will investigate how some of the greatest global environmental challenges, climate change, urbanisation, and psychosocial stress caused by the COVID-19-pandemic affect mental health over the lifespan. It will identify their underlying molecular mechanisms and develop preventions and early interventions. Leveraging cohort data of over 1.5 million European citizens and patients enriched with deep phenotyping data from large scale behavioural neuroimaging cohorts, we will identify brain mechanisms related to environmental adversity underlying symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress and substance abuse.

Hovedforsker: Lars Tjelta Westlye
Hvor: Psykologisk institutt (PSI)
Prosjektets nettside
Periode: 1. juni 2022 – 31. mai 2027

Research and Innovation Action: Resisting Radicalisation Through Inclusion (DRIVE)

The DRIVE project explores the role of social exclusion in the context of radicalisation in Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and the UK. The project will offer practical advice to policymakers on how to take into account social inclusion and social determinants of public mental health in policies to tackle radicalisation and to avoid the pitfalls of further alienating and marginalising communities.

Hovedforsker: Cathrine Thorleifsson
HvorC-REX - Senter for ekstremismeforskning
Prosjektets nettside
Periode: 1. januar 2021 – 31. desember 2023

Research and Innovation Action: Ocean-based Negative Emission Technologies (OceanNETs)

OceanNETs aims to determine to what extent, and under what conditions, the large-scale deployment of ocean-based negative emission technologies could contribute to realistic and effective pathways for Europe and the world to achieve climate neutrality and the goals established in the Paris Agreement, as well as, to identify and prioritize options with the most potential in regard to CO2 mitigation, environmental impact, risks, co-benefits, technical feasibility, cost effectiveness, and political and societal acceptance.

Hovedforsker: Christian Peter Traeger
Hvor: Økonomisk institutt
Prosjektets nettside
Periode: 1. juli 2020 – 30. juni 2025

Research and Innovation Action: Trust in Governance and Regulation in Europe (TIGRE)

TiGRE utarbeider et analytisk rammeverk for studien av tillitsforhold til styring og ledelse. Studien vil se på tillit blant ulike reguleringsaktører, som regulatorer, politiske, administrative og juridiske organer, tjenesteytere og deres interesseorganisasjoner, forbrukere og andre samfunnsinteresser, i tillegg til i befolkningen generelt. Prosjektets mål er å beskrive og forklare rollen tillit og mistillit har i europeisk regulatorisk styring, og på hvilke måter tillit kan bli vedlikeholdt, reparert og utviklet gjennom administrativ praksis og reform.

Hovedforsker: Tobias Bach
Hvor: ARENA Senter for europaforskning
Prosjektets nettside
Periode: 1. januar 2020 – 30. september 2023


Research and Innovation Action: Policy, Expertise, and Trust in Action (PERITIA)

Hovedforsker: Cathrine Holst, Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi 
1. februar 2020 – 31. januar 2023

Research and Innovation Action: Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy (QuantMig)

Hovedforsker: Steinar HoldenØkonomisk institutt
1. februar 2020 – 31. januar 2023

Coordination and Support Action: Differentiation: Clustering Excellence (DiCE)

DiCE samlet koordinatorene for tre H2020-prosjekter som fikk midler fra samme utlysning: EU3D (koordinert av ARENA/UiO), EU IDEA og InDivEU. 
Hovedforsker: John Erik FossumARENA Senter for europaforskning
1. januar 2020 – 31. desember 2022

Research and Innovation Action: Dialogue about Radicalisation and Equality (DARE)

Hovedforsker: Graham Macklin,  C-REX - Senter for ekstremismeforskning
1. mai 2017 – 31. oktober 2021

Research and Innovation Action: Competing Regional Integrations in Southeast Asia (CRISEA)

Hovedforsker: Kristian StokkeInstitutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi
1. november 2017 – 28. februar 2021 

Research and Innovation Action: Transmitting Contentious Cultural Heritages with the Arts (TRACES)

Hovedforsker:  Arnd SchneiderSosialantropologisk institutt
Mars 2016 – februar 2019

Research and Innovation Action: Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration, Markets (GEMM)

Hovedforsker: Gunn Elisabeth BirkelundInstitutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi
1. september 2015 – 31. desember 2018

Research and Innovation Action: Investigating the Impact of the European Union (I3U)

Hovedforsker: Fulvio CastellacciTIK Senter for teknologi, innovasjon og kultur
1. mars 2015 – 30. september 2018

Industrial Leadership

Coordination and Support Action (partner): Fostering Synthetic Biology standardisation through international collaboration (BioRoboost)

Hovedforsker: Ana Delgado, TIK Senter for teknologi, innovasjon og kultur
1. oktober 2018 – 30. september 2021

Publisert 17. apr. 2023 15:44 - Sist endret 8. mars 2024 00:00