Webpages tagged with «World Congress of Sociology»

Published Sep. 22, 2010 2:01 PM

EUMARGINS research team members recently met for a 2-days project meeting (July 15-16, 2010) in Gothenburg, Sweden. All the research sites were represented, thus participants from Estonia, France, Italy, Spain, Norway, the UK and Sweden contributed in the discussions. The main topic of the meeting was analyses of the data collected, which will result into the second book of the project. The meeting took place at the Faculty of Education at the University of Gothenburg, and most of the participants were accommodated at the Villa Fridolin in the city centre. The XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology was taking place in Gothenburg at the same time, thus many of the EUMARGINS researchers could also partake in this event. In addition, three EUMARGINS papers were presented during the Congress.