Webpages tagged with «inequality»

Published Mar. 27, 2024 11:23 AM

In this working paper, Are Skeie Hermansen and co-authors examine the extent to which immigrant-native earnings differences reflects differential sorting into lower-paid jobs or unequal pay when doing the same work for the same employers. Their findings can be read below. 

Logo, Socio-Economic Review
Published May 30, 2023 4:05 PM

In this article, Are Skeie Hermansen and co-authors analyze the asymmetry of the effect of ups and downs in finance, and the effect of increased capital requirements and the bonus cap on national earnings inequality. They find, among other finds, a strong asymmetry in the effect of upswings and downswings in finance on earnings inequality. They suggest, based on their findings, that downswings do not contribute to a symmetric decline in inequality. 

Cover of SOCIUS
Published May 30, 2023 4:04 PM

In this article, Are Skeie Hermansen and co-author visualize women's and men's college majors across four decades in Norway. This visualization underscores the progress that has been made in achieving gender parity in education as well as the challenges that remain. 

Logo, SSRN
Published May 30, 2023 4:02 PM

In this paper, Edvard Larsen and co-authors investigate how the amount and type of social science research on discrimination has changed over time. The results of their analysis show that over time, social scientists across fields are increasingly producing research that engages with the concept of discrimination, and that they write more about discrimination against some groups than others.

Cover of PNAS, Volum 117, Issue 17
Published May 30, 2023 4:01 PM

In this article, published in the acclaimed Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, Are Skeie Hermansen, Trond Petersen and co-authors investigate rising income inequality and workplace dynamics. Their findings show that earnings inequality varies a great deal among countries in their levels and trends, but that the between-workplace share of wage inequality is growing in almost all countries examined. These inequalities are lower and grew less strongly in countries with stronger institutional employment protections and rose faster when these protections weakened. 

Logo of HAL Open Science
Published May 30, 2023 3:46 PM

In this working paper, Are Skeie Hermansen and co-authors study the evolving isolation of higher earners from other employees. They do this using linked employer-employee data from eleven countries. Their findings show a growing workplace isolation of top earners' exposure to bottom earners. They also find that residential segregation is growing, with top earners and bottom earners increasingly living in different municipalities. The two are correlated and statistical modeling suggest that the primary causal effect is from work to residential segregation.  

Published Jan. 12, 2021 9:43 AM