Webpages tagged with «workplace»

Published Mar. 27, 2024 11:23 AM

In this working paper, Are Skeie Hermansen and co-authors examine the extent to which immigrant-native earnings differences reflects differential sorting into lower-paid jobs or unequal pay when doing the same work for the same employers. Their findings can be read below. 

Cover of SOCIUS
Published May 30, 2023 4:05 PM

In this article, Are Skeie Hermansen uses heat plots to visualize differences in ethnic and socioeconomic characteristics of workplace contexts by immigrant background. This reveals a striking overall pattern of intergenerational assimilation of which further details can be read below. 

Logo of SocArxiv. Open Archive of the Social Sciences
Published May 30, 2023 3:47 PM

In this working paper, Aleksander Madsen, Are Skeie Hermansen and co-author investigate the relationship between workplace concentration of immigrant-origin minorites and turnover among immigrants and second-generation children of immigrants. Using linked employer-employee data, from the Norwegian labor market, their findings supports social contract theories claiming that improved work environment and coworker support reduces turnover among immigrant-background workers.