
An ecological worldview 

What is the relationship between ecology, how we think about nature and system change? How can ecological thought inspire a new ethics and new visions of human community? If ecology is a systematic body of ideas, what is the relationship between social sciences and ecological insights, between philosophy and practice, and between culture and ethics? In short, we want to discuss how ecological thinking can inform system change to an ecological society.

Ecological economics

What are possible ecological alternatives to our present economic system? How attractive and viable are these alternatives? What can we learn from contemporary experiments in ecological economics, and how is it possible to scale up alternative practices that are already going on in various communities and regions? What is the role of trade unions, cooperatives, municipalities, and commons, in mobilizing for an ecological transition? In short, we want to discuss what the economic framework of an ecological society would look like and how we can get there.

Ecological politics

What would an ecological politics look like? What are the dynamics of systems change? How can the political system be transformed to facilitate an ecological transition to sustainability? What is the role of parties, movements, elections, and legislation? Can we use existing political channels or do we have to create new ones? What is the relationship between ecology and democracy? In short, we would like to discuss what constitutes a genuinely ecological politics today. 

Movements and strategies

How can we build the movements we need for systems change? How can ecological movements advance a progressive and emancipatory social agenda? What can we learn from various ecological campaigns and popular movements around the world? How can we stimulate interaction and cooperation between trade unions, environmental groups, and community organizations? How can the social sciences help develop social ecological alternatives? What is the interplay between political organization and extra-parliamentary activism? In short, we want to discuss how we can develop a new social ecological agenda and build new popular movements that are relevant, committed, and capable of initiating systems changes that benefit people as well as nature.

Published Nov. 2, 2016 1:55 PM - Last modified June 30, 2024 8:26 AM