NCSR 2018: The 24th Nordic Conference in the Sociology of Religion

Welcome to the 24th Nordic Conference for the Sociology of Religion 2018. 

PLEASE NOTE that the City of Oslo has invited all conference participants to a welcome reception in Oslo City Hall on the evening of July 31st.

Keynote speakersPractical informationProgramNJRSRegistration

Welcome to the Nordic Conference in the Sociology of Religion 2018, University of Oslo, Norway. The NCSR is a bi-annual conference arranged in one of the Nordic countries. Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo, in cooperation with KIFO Institute for church, religion and worldview research and Norwegian School of Theology, are proud to be the host for the 24th NCSR conference 2018.

Growing religious diversity characterizes most countries across the world, often linked to the globalization of migration, politics, economies, and the media. The diversity offers new challenges of managing religion in countries that previously were more religiously homogenous. As many countries are characterized by complex patterns of both increasing public visibility of religion and secularization, religion is often at the center of political contestations. On the one hand, politicians struggle to develop public policies that balance human rights, equal opportunities for religious minorities, and the continuation of older religious traditions. On the other hand, various groups and political parties use religion to draw social, political, and symbolic boundaries – and some take extreme measures and use violence strategically to make themselves visible and enact their policies.

The 24th Nordic Conference for Sociology of Religion seeks a more thorough understanding, theoretically as well as empirically, of religion, politics, and boundaries. While sociologists often have attempted to understand these developments in terms of single dimension theories, we would like to find out how this complexity is part of processes of change and continuity in contemporary society. Contributions addressing these and other topics in the sociology of religion are welcome!

We are looking forward to seeing you in Oslo.

Inger Furseth, Netta Marie Rönningen and the Organizational Committee

 Please contact Research Assistant Netta Marie Rønningen for more information.

Published May 19, 2017 12:57 PM - Last modified June 27, 2024 6:45 AM