Let's talk about change

In this Climate and Society Forum, we would like to talk about change. Is the solution to climate change about “changing people” or is it about activating people as agents of change? What’s the difference and why is it important? What’s your experience?

This is the time of year when many people are thinking about their resolutions for the New Year, and when there is considerable media attention on “change.” Interestingly, there is a growing tendency to assume that the solution to the “climate problem” is to “change people.”  Yet we also know from both research and experience that trying to change others can backfire.


Welcome to the fourth Climate and Society Forum, which will take place on Wednesday 30th of January from 16.15 to 17.30 in Undervisningsrom 1 in Georg Sverdrups hus (the library building).


The Climate and Society Forum is a space where people who are interested in climate change can engage with specific themes and exchange thoughts and perspectives on our individual and collective roles in transformations to sustainability.


Link to the Facebook event here

Published Jan. 11, 2019 2:17 PM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2019 2:23 PM