Celebrations and recognition in Bilbao

Karen O'Brien has been in Bilbao, Spain at the BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Awards Ceremony. Karen was awarded the prize alongside Ian Burton and Neil Adger for her contribution to climate change research.

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This city of Bilbao was decorated in banners recognizing the recipients of the BBVA Foundation’s Frontiers of Knowledge Awards, among them Karen O´Brien.

Karen O´Brien was announced as a recipient alongside Ian Burton and Neil Adger for her contribution to climate change research. Specifically, Karen, Neil, and Ian are being recognized for bringing and building the concept of adaptation into the paradigm of climate change action, which previously focused primarily on mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

Watch Karen’s acceptance speech below: 

Watch an interview Karen gave to the BBVA Foundation back in January 2021 here.

Read a news story about the awards here.

Published Sep. 27, 2021 8:59 AM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2023 12:33 PM