How is a greener world possible?

Apollon research magazine asked three renowned researchers what it takes to make the world greener and the role of innovations within social sciences and law. 

Photo: Apollon/Ola Sæther

A shift to a more equitable and sustainable future is calling for deep and broad social transformations. It calls for solutions everywhere, on all fronts, from all subjects.

In this article Apollon has invited three University of Oslo professors to reflect on how advances within economics, politics and law can contribute to transformations towards sustainability. Karine NyborgChristina Voigt and Karen O´Brien have been working on environmental and climate issues for decades and they know a few things about both the causes and solutions to the problems we are faced with today. 

The article was written by Trine Nickelsen and published in Apollon Research Magazine January 2017. Read the full article.


Published Feb. 24, 2017 10:50 AM - Last modified Feb. 24, 2017 10:50 AM