Book Chapter: Creating a Culture for Transformation

This chapter is part of the book "Climate and Culture" and contribute to shed light on how  culture interact with the way societies understand, live with, and act in relation to climate change. 

Image may contain: Water, Product, Text, Water resources, Adaptation.

Citation: O'Brien, Karen; Hochachka, Gail & Gram-Hanssen, Irmelin (2019). Creating a Culture for Transformation, In Guiseppe Feola; Hilary Geoghegen & Alex Arnall (ed.),  Climate and Culture : Multidisciplinary Perspectives on a Warming World.  Cambridge University Press.  ISBN 9781108422505.  Chapter 12.  s 266 - 290.

The book can be accessed here

In this chapter O´Brien and Hochachka adopt Benhabib’s (2002) broader definition of culture to explore the idea of cultural transformation. They out by discussing the notion of cultural tipping points and exploring some of the barriers and potentials for rapid cultural change. Drawing on insights from Integral Theory, Self-Determination Theory, and Dialogical Action Theory, they examine the relationship between individual and collective change. They then describe an experiment focused on individual behavioral change and consider how it can be used to trigger awareness of the dynamics of cultural change. They present some preliminary results from a transformative learning experience, then link theoretical insights to some reflections from this experiment. The chapter is concluded by revisiting the potential for rapid cultural transformations to sustainability.

By Karen O’Brien, Gail Hochachka and Irmelin Gram-Hanssen
Published Jan. 9, 2020 7:38 PM - Last modified Jan. 9, 2020 7:51 PM