Book: Our Entangled Future: Stories to Empower Quantum Social Change

Nine short stories, rooted in the complex reality of the climate crisis, are presented in this inspiring book.

Image may contain: Text, Font, Heart, Love.

Cover: Michelle Fairbanks at Fresh Design

Download the book here (pdf).
The book is also available as e-book and paperback at Amazon and in various bookstores.

Citation: O’Brien, K., El Khoury, A., Schafenacker, N. and Rosenfeld, J. (eds). 2019. Our Entangled Future: Stories to Empower Quantum Social Change. AdaptationCONNECTS Research Project, University of Oslo: Oslo, Norway.


We live our lives through stories. They shape how we see the world, how we relate to it, and not the least, how we engage with it. Now more than ever, we need compelling stories that inspire both individual and collective action. The nine short stories presented in Our Entangled Future are rooted in the complex reality of the climate crisis. Rather than painting a dystopic future, they present agency-driven characters whose insights will inspire readers to contemplate and realize the potential for quantum social change. 


The nine short stories presented in Our Entangled Future are rooted in the complex reality of the climate crisis. Rather than painting a dystopic future, they present agency-driven characters whose insights will inspire readers to contemplate and realize the potential for quantum social change. The nine excellent contributions include the following: 

The Witness by Chris Riedy
The Drought by Jessica Wilson
The Ephemeral Marvels Perfume Store by Catherine Sarah Young
Synergy by Otter Lieffe
Cool Burn and the Cherry Ballart by Jude Anderson
The Green Lizard by Albert van Wijngaarden
The Visitor by Julia Naime Sánchez-Henkel
Let Us Begin by Saber Hasnain
The Legend of the Cosmos Mariners by Kelli Rose Pearson

By Karen O´Brien Anne El Khoury, Nicole Schafenacker and Jordan Rosenfeld
Published Jan. 9, 2020 6:47 PM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2023 12:33 PM