Offspring in Squeeze

Health and Sick Leave Absence among Middle-aged Informal Caregivers. Elisabeth Ugreninov

Ugreninov, Elisabeth (2013). Offspring in Squeeze: Health and Sick Leave Absence among Middle-aged Informal Caregivers. Journal of Population Ageing. ISSN 1874-7884. 6(4), p323-338


This paper is motivated by the major future challenges that an ageing population would bring on a demand for an increase in the workforce and potential health outcomes on informal caregivers. Understanding the individual health and sick leave costs of caregiving is important for improving work and family policy and for ensuring that eldercare policies do not counteract other public goals. The main concern of this article has been to illuminate the relationship between full-time working caregivers and their health and sick leave absence outcomes.

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Published Dec. 8, 2014 2:53 PM - Last modified Jan. 7, 2021 4:03 PM