Not enough time for family, work and aging parents.

A quantitative study on women and sick leave by Karin Hamre.


In this thesis, Karin Hamre examines whether sick leave absences of employed women aged 25-67 have a relationship with their care obligations.

She has a specific focus on employed women who give "double care" (own children and parents). She compared employed women with various care obligations, as women with only "child care", only "parental care", "double care" and "no care".

The analyzes are based on survey data from NorLAG panel (2002/2003 and 2007/2008), and 2007/2008 LOGG, and register-data.

Read the full text from the University Library in Norwegian only. (May require logging on the UiO network.)

Tags: Kvinner og sykefravær
Published Dec. 8, 2014 1:47 PM - Last modified Sep. 12, 2016 10:43 AM