

Time and place: , Bergen, Norway

A methodological solution to a disciplinary problem. Lecture presented by Jan Grue.


Caught in a Trap. Regimes of Suspicion As Prerequisite and Obstruction in the Opioid Substitution Treatment in Norway. Presented by Aleksandra Bartoszko.

Time and place: , Pacifico, Yokohama, Japan

Lived experiences of drug policy in Norway and why they matter. By Aleksandra Bartoszko.

Time and place: , Freie Universität, Berlin

Methodological Reflections on Vulnerable Field Sites. By Aleksandra Bartoszko.

Time and place: , InterCity Hotel, Mainz

Presented by Eivind Engebretsen

Time and place: , Turku, Finland

Stereotypes and Prototypes in Beyond Boundaries. Lecture by Jan Grue.