
Shammas, V. L. and Sandberg, S. (2015) Habitus, capital, and conflict: Bringing Bourdieusian field theory to criminologyCriminology & Criminal Justice, Published online before print.

Pedersen, W., S. Sandberg and H. Copes (2015) High speed: Amphetamine use in the context of conventional cultureDeviant Behavior, 36(2): 146-165.

Shammas, V. L. (2014) The pains of freedom: Assessing the ambiguity of Scandinavian penal exceptionalism on Norway’s Prison Island. Punishment & Society, 16(1): 104-123.

Shammas, V. L., S. Sandberg and W. Pedersen (2014) Trajectories to mid- and higher-level drug crimes: Penal misrepresentations of drug dealers in Norway. British Journal of Criminology, 54(4): 592-612.

Grundetjern, H. and S. Sandberg (2012) Dealing with a gendered economy. Female drug dealers and street capital. European Journal of Criminology, 9(6):  621-635.

(Dutch translation: Drugsdealers, gender en straatkapitaal. Justitiële Verkenningen, 2013.)