
Published Sep. 22, 2010 2:01 PM

Our project is guided by several a priori hypotheses, some of which can be tested by the statistics we are reviewing, others of which can partly be tested by our qualitative data (but not tested in a strong sense of the word, such as is possible when using statistics). Our approach to the qualitative material will be that of analytical induction (Becker 1979), meaning that we will look for patterns in our material, as well as testing these by searching for negative cases. In the following paragraph, we will present some of these a priori hypotheses which are guiding our analysis of the datamaterial:  

Published Sep. 22, 2010 2:01 PM

EUMARGINS seeks to identify and determine principle determinants of social exclusion that affect young immigrants in the seven cities. This will be pursued by exploring a series of specific objectives and sub-objectives. In this section, we specify the research objectives that guide this project.