Tolerant Tartu

Judit Strõmpl, from the EUMARGINS research team in Estonia, held the presentation "How it is to be an 'other' in Estonia?" at a seminar about racism and ethnocentrism entitled 'The world is not just black and white'. In her presentation, Mrs. Strõmpl referred to some preliminary results from EUMARGINS' data collection in Estonia. 

The seminar was organized by the Foundation for Science and Liberal Arts Domus Dorpatensis in Tartu on 16 October 2009. The aim of Domus Dorpatensis is to contribute to and aid the public discourse and academic discussion of various topics by giving everyone an opportunity to come together in a stimulating environment. The Foundation organizes thematic seminars that are open for Tartu residents. This autumn there was a series of seminars called 'Tolerant Tartu'.

Tags: Estonia, Tartu, racism By Kirsten Fossan
Published Sep. 22, 2010 2:01 PM - Last modified Mar. 4, 2021 8:11 AM