Barriers and opportunities for young EU immigrants

The EUMARGINS project has been presented in the new edition of the Socio-economic and Humanities Research for Policy News Alert Service, which features policy relevant research funded under the EU’s 6th and 7th Framework Programmes. The aim of the profile was to reveal the main research findings, particularly those that draw the attention of policy makers. In this regard they drew from the policy briefs and Europe wide policy report that the EUMARGINS project published.

The article described an important finding of the project that although factors causing exclusion were common to all seven countries, there were also factors specific to each country and that this has to be taken account when drafting policy solutions in Europe. Therefore, the EUMARGINS study provided an important means to understand common factors causing exclusion at the EU level as well as an objective observation of different national contexts.

By T. Sarin
Published Feb. 16, 2012 1:12 PM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2023 12:56 PM