Guardians of Morality among Immigrants in Oslo

The article 'Moralkontroll i Oslos innvandrergater' deals with the experiences that young Muslims have had of being commented upon negatively on the streets at Grønland (together with Tøyen, Grønland is an area of Oslo that has around 35 to 40 per cent of inhabitants with immigrant background). The comments come from adult Muslims. They react to western behaviour (like dress codes etc) being adapted among young Muslims.

Katrine Fangen from EUMARGINS comments upon this trend, and depicts it as a well-known strategy of protection against what is perceived as an unfavorable Western influence. She refers to similar situations being observed in other European countries such as France and the UK. A possible reason for an increase in these so-called guardians of morality, might be more immigrants are coming from war-torn countries. War often leads to stronger religious conservatism, which is brought along as people flee.

Read the article 'Moralkontroll i Oslos innvandrergater' published in Aftenposten January 9, 2010.

Tags: Europe, exclusion, grønland, immigrants, inclusion, moral, religion
Published Sep. 22, 2010 2:01 PM - Last modified Aug. 4, 2016 2:19 PM