
Published Aug. 23, 2011 6:29 PM

Ida Kvittingen has written her master’s thesis as part of the EUMARGINS project. The title of her thesis is 'Equal or unique employee? 'Visible minorities' job seeking experiences' and is about visible minorities’ transition from higher education to the labour market. Her qualitative study is based on ten in-depth interviews with visible minorities who have recently finished their master degree in either social or natural sciences and are entering the job market. The English summary is provided below.

Published Sep. 22, 2010 2:01 PM

Sekina Helen Finne has written her master’s thesis as part of the EUMARGINS project. The Norwegian title of the thesis is ‘Indiske etterkommere i eliteutdanninger. En kvalitativ studie av utdanningsvalg blant indiske etterkommere i eliteutdanninger’, and is about Indian descendants living in Norway and their educational choices. The qualitative study is based on ten in-depth interviews with students in elite educations at the University of Oslo. read the thesis in Norwegian. An English summary is given in the following.