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Leadership for Transition (LiFT) 3.0 - Politics (completed)

LiFT applies academic, hands-on and intuitive knowledge to developing more collaborative leadership as an essential skill for the 21st century

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About the project

LiFT 3.0 – Politics works towards a paradigm shift in politics, enhancing more collaborative mindsets and practices in politics as a precondition for re-inspiring political cultures and institutions, and thus, for building new momentum for the European project.

In order to do this, LiFT 3.0 – Politics pilots and spreads an innovative cross-cutting capacity building program offering next generation training and education for facilitating dialog processes with diverse stakeholders across political camps in transnational and intercultural settings. It thus develops high quality basic and transversal leadership skills and key collaborative competences of policy-makers and office holders, change agents, citizens and multipliers alike.

The project rationale holds that in times of multidimensional crisis, where fundamental values are simultaneously at stake, political leadership needs to transcend narrow particularistic views and be grounded in notions of global responsibility and interconnectedness. Based on innovative trends in leadership thinking, LiFT applies academic and practical knowledge in pressing real world contexts, focusing on social inclusion, peace, justice and sustainability.

LiFT 3.0 – Politics combines two approaches to political innovation:

  1. The experience of specialized service providers and professional facilitators, supporting municipalities and political decision-makers to conduct and root citizen involvement in their communities.
  2. The experience of a broad range of pioneers of integral/collaborative policy-making and governance, combined with creative visions from an interested public.


  • Hosting international stakeholder workshops and learning events that support the development of expertise for co-creating joint visions across cultures, generations, fields of activity and political camps, thereby helping individuals, groups and institutions to make progress on shared challenges. 
  • Condensing, documenting and disseminating insights and experiences for others to use.
  • Developing and implementing a unique political leadership training that enables multipliers to use and further spread collaborative decision-making methods across contexts. LiFT thereby creates viable learning communities and a cohort of political leaders who can better address big adaptive challenges on local, regional, European and global levels.


Institute for Integral Studies (IFIS)
Dr. Elke Fein (initiator, coordination)

Dialogues Facilitation Gothenburg (DFG)
Bernard Leroux

Institut für Zukunftskompetenzen (IFZ)
Harald Schellander

European Citizens Initiative (ECI)
Carsten Berg

SelfLeaders (SL)
Michael Wernstedt

Entz-von-Zerssen, Caspari & Partners (EZCP)
Anne Caspari


Co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union



Published Mar. 2, 2022 1:39 PM - Last modified Apr. 9, 2024 11:08 AM