
Published Mar. 13, 2023 1:09 PM

In this article, featured in the book Social Democracy in the 21st Century, Cathrine Holst and co-author study ad hoc policy advisory committees that propose public policies on the basis of consensus. They compare the Norwegian system with those of Germany and the European Union. They find significant similarities between the three committee governance systems. They show that these kinds of ad hoc advisory comittees tend to generate a kind of coordinated negotiated expertise. To shed light on the resemblances across the systems they develop a notion of consensus-orientated political and epistemological systems. 

Published Oct. 31, 2022 2:47 PM

In this review, Torbjørn Gundersen and co-authors examines the alleged crisis of trust in environmental science and its impact on public opinion, policy decisions in the context of democratic governance, and the interaction between science and society.