Tipping Point Norway 2008

A creative meeting between the arts and climate science

Tipping Point Norway brought together around 80 artists and scientists from Norway, Denmark, the U.K, Canada and Singapore. This midsummer event was the first of its kind in Norway and represented a unique and ambitious step to open up the climate change debate and set the premises for engagement of new groups and actors in this important area.

Ozone 3: A dancing performance by Maria R. Hoem (dress designed by Leila Hafzi)

Tipping Point Norway was hosted by GECHS (Global Environmental Change and Human Security) and PLAN (Potentials of and Limits to Adaptation in Norway) on behalf of the Global Change Committee of the Research Council of Norway with additional support from The Ministry of the Environment, the British Council and the Canadian Embassy. The 'open space' format build on the experiences from England (Oxford) and Germany (Potsdam) where the organization “Tipping Point” for several years has gathered enthusiastic and well-respected artists and climate change researchers to explore and understand the climate change challenge.

It was universally agreed among the participants that Tipping Point Norway was a positive experience and represented a very important initiative. This is reflected in the following comments:

'I wanted to extend a warm thank you to all of you for a fantastic two days in Oslo. It was a most inspiring event, and I came away feeling very excited about collaborating with artists on my projects on adaptation and vulnerability to climate change in the Arctic'
Grete Hovelsrud (climate researcher CICERO)

'The Tipping Point event in Oslo was deeply inspiring for me. I guess the others feel about the same. I enjoyed the creative ways to explore different topics and the scope of the guests 'background. The only thing I hope now is that this meeting may give birth to some new partnerships or projects or alliances or anything that could help our common cause'
Felix Pharand Deschenes (Director GLOBAIA)

'Tipping Point was an event that enabled me to think new thoughts. Through Open Space new aspects on the discussions on climate change emerged, and equipped me with a whole new set of tools to use in thought and action on climate change.'
Tone Berge (Low Carbon Futures Challenge Europe)

'I just wanted to let you know that I truly appreciated the tipping point experience and it has been important to participate. The experience was very encouraging, especially to know how important it is to think positive and to truly believe that change is possible and that we can have influence as artists - and as scientists. I also appreciated the great network of people that think further and burn for creating a better world'
Tina Buddeberg (Visual artist)

The Art of Adaptation

Tipping Point Norway culminated with a reception on June 24 focusing on “The Art of Adaptation” and a wish to contribute to new perspectives around the issue of climate change. This event which included a mix of artistic and scientific performances was held at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (Polhøgda), Fridtjof Nansen's former residency and invitees included in addition to participants from the meeting at Holmenkollen Park Hotel also members from the Research Council of Norway, various Ministries, the press, and the wider climate change research community.

Download program for the evening and a poster specially designed for the event.

Published Dec. 15, 2010 12:45 PM - Last modified Aug. 27, 2023 3:35 PM