Information for interviewees in the WAGE project

Researchers at the University of Oslo (Norway), OsloMet (Norway), Social Action (Nigeria), California State University Dominguez Hills have received funding from the Research Council of Norway to study the role of oil workers in the transition to the low-emission society.

You can read more about the project WAGE here:

The project will shed light on oil workers’ identity formation in the climate debate through qualitative methods, including focus groups and interviews. We have conducted focus group interviews with workers in the oil industry about how they consider their own role in transition processes. We have also explored media representations of oil workers, as well as how oil worker unions develop their strategies, and engage with counterparts and alliance partners in industrial relations and in politics more generally.

Our interviews and focus group conversations have been recorded as notes, tape recordings and as written transcriptions. All information will be treated confidentially, and shared only between the researchers participating in this study.

Focus group participants have been offered anonymity in our study. In that case, we will remove your name and other identifiable indicators from transcription, and we will delete audio-recording. For most interviewees and those taking part in the documentary film, we have agreed to use name and title.

Participation in the study is voluntary, and participants can withdraw at any point without having to state a reason for this. After completing the project, we want to keep the data material for further research. After the end of WAGE, data will be stored by and only available to the research team. Participants are entitled to access the data and may request deletion or alteration of the study. So long as you can be identified in the collected data, participants are entitled to access the personal data being processed about you and you may request deletion or correction of data about you. Further, you may receive a copy of your personal data.

Comments, complaints and other questions regarding this can be directed to project manager David Jordhus-Lier by email, or the researcher you have been interviewed by. Participants also have the right to appeal to the Norwegian Data Inspectorate, or contact the Data Protection Officer at the University of Oslo, Maren Magnus Voll via e-mail

Published May 18, 2022 8:50 AM - Last modified May 18, 2022 8:50 AM