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Gjesteforelesninger og seminarer - Side 2

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Unpacking the Modern Working Class & the Classes and Elites Research Seminar present two seminars on the Working Class and Social Inequality in the 21st Century. 

In this second webinar, Wendy Bottero (University of Manchester) will discuss research on ordinary people’s understandings of inequality and Shamus Khan (Princeton University) will give a talk in which he argues that contemporary understandings of inequality are obscured by elite- and economic determinism.

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Unpacking the Modern Working Class & the Classes and Elites Research Seminar present two seminars on the Working Class and Social Inequality in the 21st Century. In this first webinar, Marianne Nordli Hansen (University of Oslo) will give an introduction and present insights from studying the Norwegian working class. Mike Savage (London School of Economics) will be discussing themes from his recently published book The Return of Inequality.


Patrick Sachweh (University of Bremen) will present results from a large mixed-methods project on symbolic boundaries in Germany. 


In this session co-organized with C-REX - Centre for Research on Extremism Dr. Koen Damhuis (University of Utrecht) will present his mixed-methods work on radical Right supporters in France and Netherlands.




Elisabeth Schimpfössl: Rich Russians’ Morality of Success 


A recording of this event is available here.

Class voting has been one of the most wide-spread and persistent patterns of voting behavior in Western democracies throughout the 20th century. Understanding its decline is an important part of understanding the current political situation. This talk by Dr. Erik Vestin (Dalarna University) will present new results on the explanation of this decline.  



The analysis of relations between classes and politics must take into account the attitudes of members of these classes towards the political domain. The aim of this presentation is to present and discuss the different parameters that characterize these political attitudes.


Over the last ten years the issue of Europe has been placed at the centre of major political conflicts, revealing profound splits in society. These splits are represented in terms of an opposition between those countries on the losing and those on the winning sides of globalisation. Inequalities beyond those nations are critically absent from the debate. Cedric Hugrée, Etienne Penissat and Alexis Spire will join us to present their new work on social class inequalities.

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How does the current crisis shed light on questions regarding the relationship between science, policy and democracy? Professor Cathrine Holst gives the 2020 Annual Lecture at the Centre for Philosophy and the Sciences.


Drawing on both his own ethnography of the French bourgeoisie, as well as a number of contributions particularly from French sociology, Kevin Geay discusses important lessons for the sociology of elites.


A new ethnography paints a fresh picture of the Parisian bourgeoisie and their relationship to politics. In this talk, its author Kevin Geay presents some of its main findings.

Tid og sted: , Online webinar

Online webinar: Can populism flourish during a pandemic? Are we witnessing a multicultural nationalism? These are the two of the questions asked by Rogers Brubaker and Tariq Modood in this webinar.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 4, Eilert Sundts hus, Blindern, Universitetet i Oslo

Book talk on "Relational Inequalities: An Organizational Approach" (Oxford University Press, 2019) with Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) and Dustin Avent-Holt (Augusta University). The event is open to all.

Tid og sted: , ES Aud 5

Workshop with Professor Johannes Lindvall (Lund University), author of Reform Capacity (2017, Oxford University Press), 11 December 2019, 11:00-18:00


Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus: Undervisningsrom 2

Who are the Finnish top earners, where does their money come for, and what do they think of the society? In her talk, Academy Research Fellow Hanna Kuusela (Tampere University) discusses the different ways in which the Finnish top earners legitimise their own position at the top while undermining some of the basic characteristics of the Nordic model. The talk describes the different cultures of the rich inheritors, managers, and entrepreneurs belonging to the 0.1% of earners in Finland, and demonstrates how the top earners construct moral boundaries vis-à-vis their imagined others: the unemployed, the civil cervants, and the workers. Finally, the talk analyses how their processes of class-making are intertwined with the critique of the welfare state, its taxation, the tripartite cooperation, and also the entire democratic system.

Tid og sted: , Aud. 5 Eilert sunds hus

A Sociology for the 21st Century

Tid og sted: , Rom 221, Harriet Holters Hus

Velkommen til et nytt Arbeid, politikk og organisasjon-seminar. Fredrik Engelstad vil presenterer paperet: "Voluntary organizations in democracy. The case of Norway".

Tid og sted: , Aud.7, Eilert Sundts House

In this public lecture, Rogers Brubaker will talk about the distinctive ways in which religion can inform political conflict and violence.

Tid og sted: , Aud. 2, Eilert Sundts House

Who am I?' and 'Who are you? Professor Rogers Brubaker will give a public lecture based on his book Trans: Gender and Race in an Age of Unsettled Identities.

Tid og sted: , Instituttstyrerommet 221 Harriet Holters hus

Who’s Your Daddy? Nepotism, Employer Inheritance, and the Intergenerational Persistence of Economic Advantage in Norway

Mats Lillehagen (ISS, UiO)

Are Skeie Hermansen (ISS, UiO)

Tid og sted: , HHH rom 221

"To comply or not to comply, that’s not the question: On the foundation of institutions and agency in institutional maintenance work"


Lars Klemsdal presenterer paper. Ta kontak med Lars for å få tilsendt paper på forhånd. 

Tid og sted: , Harriet Holters hus, rom 101

Mike Savage kommer tilbake til Klasse- og eliteseminaret med nye perspektiver på samtidige ulikhetsmønstre.

Tid og sted: , Eilert Sundt building, University of Oslo, Blindern, Auditorium 5

Kathryn Edin is one of the worlds leading poverty researchers, working in the domains of welfare and low-wage work, family life, and neighborhood contexts. The lecture is about her book Doing the Best I Can (2013).


Tid og sted: , Aud 1, Eilert Sundt House

Jon Elster is a new honorary doctor at University of Oslo and will hold the open lecture  On Anger in history. 

Tid og sted: , Aud 4, Eilert Sundts House

Department seminar: In addition to his honory doctor lecture, Jon Elster will hold an autobiographical lecture on the topic Marx and emotions.